
Yeah, that’s easily the biggest problem with the movie. At least in 01011001 they lampshaded that little absurdity.

No no. He just aged to 75 when he was 20 and has spent his whole life catching up.

Babylon 5 spin-off sequel:

He keeps turning down promotions.

Hell, she fired off 100s of photon torpedoes even though they only had ~60 and no way to get more.

Yeah but none of that are DS9 stories. They are just more stories to tell in the same universe.

To make it all the worse, the “Trench Run” wasn’t the only way to get at the reactor. It was just that it was the only way to do it in the short time they had with the Death Star barreling down on their base.

It’s a suitably ominous title for the middle chapter of the new saga, but what could it mean?

Its fair to feel that way, but no one involved really wants that. Players will hold out for more money if any accident can strip away all their earnings. Owners will be paying too much for everyone who doesn’t get injured.

Depends on how you look at it. Boomers voted for Trump. Millennials stayed home.

Good god, yes. So much yes. Why doesn’t this have more stars?

Telling someone that spouting off nonsense makes them look like a fool would have a much stronger effect if the paragraph preceding it hadn’t been a screed full of nonsense.

I don’t know why everyone is so upset about Trump winning. Trump only won because democracy has been perfected.

Its weird. This seems to be a universal opinion. Yet we keep getting the same crap. *sigh*

Which, apparently, women still avoid like the plague.

Also, the completion/fantasy vs. competitive/destruction emphasis is interesting. Hopefully than means more wide worlds with creative exploration as an emphasis and less mindless hacking and blasting.


Some women are into big beefy men, it’s disgusting that you claim to speak for what all women like, sexist.

Its interesting that we live in a time where Nintendo has had 3 failure of a console in a row, all using the same strategy of eschewing specs, and people like you haven’t put it together yet.

Yeah, those buzzwords are meaningless for the average person. The average person cares about what games are out. You know who cares about the buzzwords? The people making games. Ergo, by the transitive property, the average person actually does care about those buzzwords.