
So you were born to feel “nice”?

Oh they are pinpoint accurate. But they’re still dropping bombs. It still taking out the building/city block. It is just that the center of the blast is exactly where you want it to be.

I don’t know. With the support Trump got by saying he’d keep muslims out and that he’d start a registry I’d say that a good chunk of them do care. Care a great deal, in fact.


Response to troll you: The fact that the left of is just as full of nutcase conspiracy theorist wackjobs as the right wing is doesn’t not make me happy.

Drones are easy. They aren’t a replacement for boots on the ground. The US launches hundreds of drone strikes all over the world. Before drones, they weren’t launching hundreds of assassination missions with troops all over the world.

Wow. Either learn to read or stfu forever. Adults are talking.

The US cancelled his passport and stranded him in Russia. Precisely for this line of propaganda.

Treason charges generally require some form of payoff / quid pro quo. Someone is paying you to do it. Or holding leverage.

In what games are we not “playing a roll?”

You do have a leveling system. Hearts.

I mean yeah, sure. Sometimes.

Or... instead of clicking on the article and commenting, thereby incentivizing them to not ever stop doing this, maybe, don’t?

I highly doubt that one article cost millions of dollars.

Yeah. Just after posting this I realized that would happen. I saw your other exchange with ThisGuy, and realized that your reading comprehension skills are far, far, too poor to actually engage in a conversation with you.

.... you know the guy’s name?

You don’t want it for a fridge. Light makes food spoil faster and letting light in adds heat.

Fairness and gender equality aren’t things that get added together and averaged out.

Hell Yeah! Its damn well about time too! Fuck equality, celebrate them getting what they finally deserve.

Wait, you bothered to link to a meme, but didn’t bother to link to the actual post you are talking about? Yeah, sound like you deserved to have been dismissed.