
Serious question:

#1 Usage of a phone’s voice assistant: My wife will be playing on her phone, or reading facebook, or something. Generally minding her own business. Then from across the room I’ll yell “HI, GALAXY!” thereby popping up her S-Voice, interrupting what she was doing, and simply annoying the shit out of her. Then she beats

I’m repeating myself? This is the first time I’ve said anything on the subject to you, you fucking idiot.

A superintelligent AI might choose to destroy us, or take actions which would destroy us, for a billion possible reasons. [... snip ...] There are a billion possible reasons and methods for it to destroy us.

But it is the commentators who call people like Emerson Tan and Meredith Patterson overzealous SJW’s who are the wrong headed idiots.

You think that humans do something besides reaction A to event B? That’s cute.

I understand they had to knock him down to get him to stop

Were those simulations actually any good?

Occam’s razor. We have two competing theories.

I just had the thought of opening with a shipyard with The Roddenberry, the Kelley, the Nimoy....

It was also fucking terrible...

See this is the exact thing Schmidt is shooting down. An AI can’t “convert carbon dioxide to carbon and oxygen”. At best (worst?) it can control the machines that do the converting.

God damn it. I was about to do that.

Was my first thought as well.

It isn’t just the West. It is Global. Look at the Philippines.

I don’t think that would get you the reaction you are looking for.

Dear god you people are unhinged.

If Jezebel went out and told everyone it was the board of directors plan to use her as a fall guy from the beginning, it would be a serious crimp in the “she was fired because of the sexist and racist users at reddit” narrative they are pushing.

Its weird. You said “Completely True” and then disagreed on every point.