

Marriage doesn’t work like that anymore, I find. My generation seems to not get married at all no matter how long they’ve been together.

Better for the peace of mind, until Triss sends a text of herself naked to BAWS’s GF saying ‘hey BAWS, ready for our lunch date tomorrow at the motel near work’.

My complaint has always been that it didn’t leave the “gritty medieval drama” soon enough.


I’m going to ignore the age aspect because as you said earlier “I wasn’t speaking of the age of consent at all” and, yeah, they were all the same age, so the point is irrelevant. Additionally, the legislature could change the age of consent to 25 or 12 tomorrow. Or, these same events could have happened in a state

Right. And do you think she introduces herself by saying “Hi, I’m Mandy. I was trapped in a human sex slave trafficking ring when I was 13. What’s your name?” Do you think she has a SEX SLAVE tattoo on her forehead?

I’m not sure what more ridiculous.

Even calling E7 stronger is a bit of a stretch. When the main character of your film is an unexplainably overpowered Mary Sue you can’t get any weaker, IMO.

“Kind of”?

She’s easily the best thing to happen to the show since 10 left.


Maybe because what you just said is incredibly stupid, patronizing, and misogynist?



I want my avocadoes now, godammit!

That’d be something to care about if everyone involved wasn’t terrible.

This doesn’t make any sense. According to everything I’ve ever read on Kotaku, the only people who get death threats are women and the threats come from misogynists because the hate women.

His Hand.

I think another way to look at the question is to ask how come they can’t/don’t put more of it closer? Can they build the RAM directly into the CPU to cut down 10-20 ns? If so, why don’t they? If not, why not?