
They did nail the basics. The cars goes. It drives well. That’s the basics. The problems they are having is with the fancy stuff after they nailed the basics.

One minute * 4 wheels * a hundred cars a day * 75-100 bucks an hour...

“but it is a differing from normal human sexuality, which was evolved for the purposes of reproduction, i.e. male/female.”

No, no, you read it right.

The mistake is assuming that there’s such a thing as a “normal” relationship. There’s what people think of as normal - what people have arbitrarily decided as “the standard” - and then there’s what people actually have, which are two very different things.

Yeah. I’ve had the “Something nefarious happened to me in my past. It is currently negatively affecting our relationship, but I don’t trust you enough to work through it with you.” talk before.

“What if she just doesn’t dig you?” I get the craziest looks, like the language I am speaking is not compatible with theirs.

I know someone. We get along. We are friends. I develop a crush on them. They find me physically unattractive and therefore don’t want to enter into a romantic relationship with me.

“it is differing from what normal human sexuality should be.”

The rational basis for what is and is not a disorder typically comes down to whether or not the behavior would be self-damaging in day-to-day life. But NOT as a measure of societal judgment.

To be fair, if voters bothered to look past a couple of years, had memories that stretched back a couple of years and used both when going into the ballot box, the dolt leaders would look past a future couple of years as well.

Google and microsoft go about things differently though. And google’s way is much more frustrating.

Performs task well == good engineering

So like every $100+ vacuum made since the 70s?

Of course he would never do that. Why would he? It’s be a stupid thing to do.

Have you actually watched any of the videos at the convention? She called for an oral vote. They ‘yeas’ were silent. The “naes” erupted in a deafening cacophony. Then Lange called it for the ‘yeas’.


If Trump wins, I’m blaming this on Hillary supporters. It’s bad enough she’s winning despite being weaker in the polls than mutha freaking Donald Trump, being under federal corruption investigation, and claiming that Reagan was an ally to gays, but that she’s continuing to cause a drift with democratic support is

Awww, you think Clinton is left leaning. That’s adorable!

The poster used a period there, but they should have. Re-read the point as: