
You have 10 things on the ground. They are in one pile. You split them evenly into 2 piles on the table. How many things do you have in each pile on the table? 5

Pffts watts, volts, its all the same.

I’m not super stoked to be getting into debate about unemployment numbers, and it is too late in the day to be looking things up, but what data exactly?

Litterally anything a boomer has written that didn’t start with “I know boomers are far worse at all of this, and that most of the things I’m going to complain about were caused by boomers, but millennials...”

Yup. Makes houses cheaper. Yet, still not cheap enough to make up for the eroded purchasing power stagnant wages have created nor cheap enough to make up for the fact that there are no jobs.

Maybe this stuff is cheaper than glass? Or more durable? And I doubt an inch of wood is less insular than a thin pane of glass. And there is nothing stopping you from making multi pane wood, if you really cared about insulation.

Not even pedophiles?

All I want is to be able to open one spreadsheet on one monitor and another on the second, so that I can compare. *sigh*

Should we really be helping stupid people do stupid things? Wouldn’t we be better off educating them why they are better off upgrading and helping them work around any (imagined) problems with the upgrade?

Spreadsheets areSQL is a nerd’s data-driven dream.

Man. Now I want to see that movie. US and China racing and warring over alien spaceships.

Marvel aims to make movies that are live action comic books. DC aims to make movies that are dark, gritty, and that have an uberreal feel.

I’m in the same camp. I had no interest in seeing it, Supes never makes good movies. But after all these bad reviews, I kinda want to watch it to be in on the joke.

It could be a fascinating dilemma.

For idiots like me who don’t know these things, why are we blaming the director here? Everyone is saying that that plot was terrible. Doesn’t the director not do the writing?

I totally see how if Trump wins, or even if he loses, he could become a next Hitler. Put ‘undesirables’ into camps or worse. But he hasn’t done that.

Outside of “America’s reputation” what damage is he doing by his spouting off?

I don’t follow the republican policies and stuff closely, because they are reprehensible. But I don’t get what you are saying here.