
Speak for yourself, buddy! We’re doing pretty good up here in Canukistan. Some of our infrastructure is kinda crumbling, but there’s also been a lot of investment recently and the new government has promised to borrow money for massive infrastructure investments.

Duuuuuude the skin is the best part!

This is one of the points that always gets missed or glossed over. Even in this article. The author goes on about how programming ‘morality’ will be difficult while assuming that programming tasks for the AI to complete will be trivial.

Nothing has ever passed the Turing test. Things have passed limited contests of turing-styled tests.

Wow. Woosh. Talk about missing the point.

Pfft. If you are booting at all these days you need to reevaluate your life. :)

I’m a mint user. I check it once a week when it sends me the “Weekly reminder” on my phone.

Guess you missed the part where everyone is doing it, young and old alike?

Wait so instead of perfect invisibility, we’ll have Predator/video game style cloaking?

Of course the law doesn’t say that you can determine the the fastest speed anyone should be driving at.

Maybe they realized they were going too fast and slowed down.


No. They hadn’t just gone around people. They were driving in the left lane. They were driving faster than the people in the right, so the front car wasn’t “blocking” the lane.

On the other had, dude’s blocking passing in the passing lane so he didn’t do anything wrong fuck him.

On the one hand, tailgater got what he deserved.

This. So much this.

Yeah. Nearly dying because you are driving dangerously. The very definition of ‘what was coming to him’.

On Android, I shut them down because I don’t want to have to scroll through 50 apps I opened to check a simple thing.

Fuel cutoff will always use less fuel than fuel turned on — while the fuel is cut off. The thing is, your fuel will be cut off for a far shorter time than you can coast for.