
You love going down? The ladies must love you :)

Considering that in most cases this would have been handled with lawyers and cease and desist orders, snarky Twitter comments seen like the not dick move here.

Idiocracy is a movie that warns of a future superficial society that doesn’t use their cognitive abilities to examine the underlying deeper meaning of things in their lives. This is a post written a decade after the movie came out that declares the message of Idiocracy wrong by criticizing the most superficial

The use of poor people and rich people wasn’t just an example that reflects cultural associations. It was another satirical jab. It is pointing out the idiocy of setting up a social-economic system where it takes so long to set yourself up as a responsible adult to start a family that you can no longer start a family

I always heard that the stereotype was that teh blacks liked grape soda. Orange? That’s new. And I’ve never heard of any type of burger or sandwich being a racist stereotype.

Is it ‘failure’ that one day you will retire and be replaced by the next generation?

Possibly. I’ve had this happen to all of my phones, but I’ve only had Samsungs. What happens to me is that after I drop it, or its battery dies, or during rooting, it’ll restart and get stuck at the initial booting animation. I would imagine that it is before any Samsung specific code, but I didn’t write the

Its weird. You said “nothing ‘damn good’ in terms of looks” but then listed a bunch of things that look damn good.

Sorry, but, no. Dear God, no.

No offense, but that is a terrible definition of censorship. It completely precludes entire swaths of what is censorship.

“Leaving an abusive relationship is almostnever as easy as people on the outside think it is.”

“Instead, we have some people here who are questioning the writer’s manhood, calling him stupid, saying that he deserves this to happen to him, etc.”

The fact that you have to swap genders for people to realize that this shit is not ok.... Sad.

...hop the Nope Train to Fuck This Shitville ...

A) Ok, So you knew the whole time that he was quoting a prominent feminist, but, you still said that it was his comment and that it was anti-feminist. So you knew full well that what you were saying was full of shit. That you were spreading FUD in a cynical attempt to influence the ignorant. Welp. I’ll take people

Uhhh, yes it was. It had a great character story. Just like the other 100 dramas made every year. That’s not what made it good. That’s not why we’re talking about it years later. That’s not why they are making a sequel.

A) Killer Mike was quoting a prominent feminist.

If the type of support he attracts thinks that way, I wonder about the underlining tone of his campaign.

That was the point of the essay. Ever heard of tl;dr summary? Cause that was one.

Now THAT fucks with language development.