
But he’s not wrong.

Yeh but think about it. Are you undecided because you’ve already researched all the information you need to make a decision and gone over that data to learn what it says?

Not a fluke. OP believes their kindness was sexism.

Oh, one study you saw one time but that had very specific conditions. But you can’t say the name of the study, link to it, and can’t be bothered to say what those very specific conditions were?


And without the gubbermint it’ll rain gumdrops and dogs and cats will get along and everyone will get blowjobs every night.

For centuries people have been concerned about having their job replaced.

Here’s the thing: Buggy-whip makers take whatever natural resources it takes to make a whip, then they sell it to the person who actually uses it to get things done. Maybe he’ll use his whip to drive a taxi.

Right now they can kind of plod along at $7, but it is shitty.

Maybe. There’s a lot of assumptions you’ve put into that scenario. Maybe, when we make AI, the hardware and software that it runs on will be a brain simulation.

Or, I can NOT pay attention is civics class, and feel smart because I’ll actually be too stupid to know any better.

No, of course not. And consistent with those laws of physics, digestion isn’t 100% efficient. Your body allows many calories and nutrients to pass through, unabsorbed by the lumen. But alter your body’s received stimuli about food intake and activity level and it may simply draw more calories from your food to

Also, cutting out food is way easier. If I don’t eat for a day, I’m pretty hungry by supper time. If I play hockey for an hour, I’m STARVING, even if I’ve eaten.

Because that way you’ll always be fat and miserable. Most people can’t just will emotions away. And if you are miserable because you are fat slob, you’ll keep being miserable. You aren’t going to somehow discover some magical key to happiness.

No. That isn’t a thing that happens. It just isn’t. Your body reducing its metabolism because of reduced calories doesn’t compensate for you reducing your calorie intake by a third.


The theory is easy. Flying is easy, just use atmospheric pressure to create more upwards lift than there is downwards gravity. That doesn’t mean I can go jump out a window, flap my arms, and fly away.

Well, yeah most people understand why the title says what it does.

No. That’s not a thing. No one’s body prefers fat storage over all other functions. At least, not anyone who’s progenitors survived the neolithic period to pass on their genes to today.

The inducement of a reduced diet, in fact, may causes changes in your digestive tract that result in the absorption of more calories.