
You shouldn’t have wished that argument luck.

The thing is though, when you have automated vehicles, that really throws a wrench into the whole idea of what exactly constitutes “perfectly capable”.

Or, you are stupid and the high crime preceded the gun control laws. The gun control laws were an attempt to curb the high crime, but it doesn’t work because they don’t have the legal ability to regulate them reasonably and can only do a kludge.

Potato, Potahto. ;D


LOL. You sir, win an internet. It is rare for a troll to openly tell people he’s trolling and still successfully troll them. Kudos!

Looks an awful lot like another board game I’ve played called zombicide.

They’re gonna crash!!!

“It is not a realm for mankind, but a realm where we go to learn the ways of the heavens.”

Nah. What’ll happen is they’ll hold the hearings, then reissue the permit. It is a nuisance.

Good thing you asked! I originally heard the claim from Jim Jefferies in his stand up act. Reports about his show, news organizations repeating his facts, and people repeating him seem to have swamped any original sources. Oddly, since I can’t find any conclusive corroborating evidence, I can’t even fins anything

And when guns carry themselves and take it upon themselves to actively avoid security, that’ll be relevant.

So? Only bolt-action rifles. Problem solved.

You know what’s great about the black market? It prices most people out of it.

It costs about $1000 dollars for a black market AR15 in the US. In Australia, where they are illegal, it costs nearly $35, 000.

Yeah. They bypass legal restrictions by driving for 10 minutes to the next town over. When we are talking about them having to leave the country and smuggle them over the border, it is a whole other story.

Most people that want to buy guns legally will be able to buy them legally even if we have strict rules

Err, no, if we wait to judge her then it wouldn’t be anything like Boba Fett. He looked cool. That’s all Boba had going for him. He looked cool while standing next to Vader, then he embarrassingly died by tripping and falling into a huge giant hole.

Pfft. Leagally shmegally.

Because you are stupid and as a society we have a responsibility to look out for those least among us.