
We had a cat disappear once for three days (outdoor cat). Printed out flyers and put them in every mailbox in the area. Cat showed up not even 10 minutes later. I would bet a lot of money someone saw him, thought he was pretty and a stray, decided to keep him, and let him loose when they realized he was owned.

Unless “every time” was a typo for “that one and only time”, that’s terrible and you should feel terrible.

Sorry, but “global food production” != “owns farmland”. But do try again.

It doesn’t matter whether or not Monsanto is more evil than Whole Foods. What matters is what capacity they have to use their evilness for evil purposes.

Soft G would be jif.

Well about half of them voted for the wrong guy, so clearly not everyone who votes understands.

You shut up with your facts. Sexism and misogyny is all anyone needs to know. Stop confusing the issues.

Fun fact: reality need not be “cool”.more often than not, reality is decidedly uncool.

Why all the hate? Because if you don’t find yourself outraged at any and all appearances of women, you’re a damned dirty misogynist.

If there were a few bad apples, the good ones would get rid of them. Instead they lie, cheat, steal, and do whatever they can to protect the bad ones.

Yes, but is it a good fire, or, a bad one? If we’re talking about pigs on fire, I’d say bring all the fuel you’ve got.

What’s with the running tally?

Yup, violence only begets violence. That’s why after the American revolutionary war the US was still part of the British empire and how after the civil war there was still slavery.

If monsters are at his door, it is cause someone already called 911, and cops showed up.

But that isn’t what the statement said. The statement said that we shouldn’t use autonomous planes because it is impossible to build a good enough sensor suite. That is very different than what you are saying. You are saying that current (20 year old) sensor suites aren’t good enough to do the job.

If you could feel it, but the sensors didn’t, then you didn’t have a sophisticated sensor suite.

So, obviously it’s the soda, not any of the 10,000 other confounding factors that it could have been.

Like it or not, your dog would be happier with more room.

Yes, it is. Protip: you aren’t walking your dog all the time.

My last 1 bedroom fit my bed, dresser, 2 person kitchen table, fridge and stove. That left about 2ft^2 floor space.