
The new device, though, can hold 42 Watt-hours of energy per liter

I wouldn't know. It does sound nice though.

What part are you not understanding? I can elaborate further. You have no historical conflicts and nothing to fight about going forward, why would there be any major conflicts?

Yeah it is confusing. Using 'sounds just like ... but less extreme' to mean 'have no traits in common at all'.

If the KKK went out and started to commit crimes your analogy would make sense. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Wait no. Fortunately for society, unfortunate for your point.

Its not that hard really. They've wiped out most of humanity in some civil wars. There goes all kinds of historical social/religious/national conflicts. The people who were feuding are dead. Then they invent warp drive, teleporters, replicators, inertial dampeners, and terraformers.

If the military survives, there's no apocalypse. They would be the first lines of defense. If they survive, then they won.

Yup. We totally kill women when they are no longer of any use. As soon as they hit menopause out their tits start to sag, they're done. If we didn't do that, why else would every community need their gas chamber?

Yup. And all blacks are criminals.

  • The prefix kilo was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier's research group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.

Except that 'Kilo-' is a word, with an english language definition.

That's kind of ironic. The only reason to use 1024 is because they weren't using the prefix properly.

There are people who understand how the world of computers works, for them it is 1024, because everything is a power of 2. There are people who understand how language works, for them it is 1000, because the prefix 'kilo-' means 1000 of the thing it is prefixing.

Then the VPN being run in some shady eastern block country tells the US to go fuck itself.

I imagine your cops buddy meant that they didn’t do police training until 2 years old. Not any type of training whatsoever?

Because Apple is a POS that nobody uses. You aren't a monopoly if no one uses you.

If you rear end someone, it's your own damn fault. They didn't cause it by driving cautiously, you cause it by not doing so.

Wait. Are you asking for help in figuring who this is? Get in touch with the people over at 4chan and gamergate, I hear they are great at that type of thing.

Yeah, but who wants to watch porn on a 4-inch screen when it can be on a 6-inch screen?

The alcohol exhibition, or, all those years where you didn't know it was there?