
I would like some empirical proof of your statement.

I have no problem with them applying common sense. I DO have a problem with them only applying one technique to a problem that may have many reasons beyond the one they're exploring. That is lazy.


We do know that egalitarian and anti-hierarchical relations were the norm with Homo for 1-2 million years. This is indisputable in the anthropological literature.

You weren't aware that people get defensive? You've never noticed that before?

Silly doctors, applying common sense problem solving techniques to problems.

Shame is a human feeling. Turns out you need to do more than just treat people like they are people and have feelings. You need to target the right feelings.

Which is itself a huge problem. Even science based medicine is only slightly more scientifically based than the alternatives.

Holy comma splice, Batman!

That's what your mom says about me also!

Really? Taking quotes out of context in a moronic attempt to score points? I was just being a dick before when I called you a republican, but are actually literally arguing at their level.

You know, you could just say "You're right, that was a relatively weak argument. Forget about that, here is a better one ..."

I really wouldn't know what that feels like. If it ever happens, I'll let you know. I can tell you what it feels like to be interacting with you, a smug asshole who is too stupid even form a coherent reply.

It's all smoke and mirrors [...]

Ahh, fuck. I was building this to sell to NASA.

Your response is so far from resembling reality, I can only assume you didn't reread what you posted before coming back at me.

Ok, an argument: If you believe that past injustice is logically connected to or somehow mitigates hypocrisy, then you are a fucking idiot.

It is a special kind of person who thinks shooting into the air at nothing is awesome. Most people consider it reckless endangerment, but hey, most people have more than two brain cells to rub together.

Because something like half of all congressmen and 3 quarters of senators get high paying jobs in the industries they were regulating when they leave office.

I'm not following this closely but if what I picked up is true, Rice was suspended, then when people saw the video he was suspended again. Beating your wife gets you 2 game suspension. Beating your wife on camera gets you a life suspension.