
Them removing 1500 fake apps doesn't mean that there was only 1500 fake apps. It could very well be the case that there's 250,000 fakes, and they just got rid of 1500.

Can't come up with an intelligent argument so you get angry and threaten unthinking violence? Exactly the vitriol and rhetoric I would expect from a stupid savage barbarian when they are intellectually outclassed.

No. You are committing an ad hominem fallacy, specifically by applying the tonal argument.

Drinking and driving is about using violence to make yourself feel better? Yeah, how bout no. That's f-ing stupid.

Me too. Revenge isn't for the children, however. Revenge is never about the departed. Revenge is about using violence to make yourself feel good. It is barbarism.

Hi Pot? I'd like you to meet my friend kettle.

You are really fucking stupid, aren't you? Saying "my point still stands without the word rampage" and pointing out that your focus on the word rampage was "quibbling" and "not even an attempt to address the main issue" is the literal exact fucking opposite of me being "really hung up on the whole rampage thing."

Fair enough. I've been there too!

Well, the site is clearly leftist. That cuts out a lot of the worst stupidity right off the top.

Magic, prayer, human blood sacrifices....

I find it interesting that, rather than admit you were wrong, you had to cut off some of the definition to try and save face. Perhaps he wasn't "reckless or uncontrolled". He was most certainly "destructive". Nice try, but fail. Maybe you could try being slightly less of a dishonest weasel in the future.

Not sure if I'm being trolled or not....

80% would actually be very very low. Exceptionally low. Try "999 out of 1000 scientists recommend Darwin's theory"

Ideally, everyone who works hard and smart would succeed, and people who aren't would fail. Unless you believe that the poor are poor because they are genetically inferior, under that ideal, we would expect to see 20%.

Part of the problem is the left is terrible with rhetoric. The right starts calling the 'estate tax' the 'death tax' you are supposed to come up with your own spin. The 'anti aristocrat tax'. But no, nothing.

Ha! Being proven wrong then accepting that you were wrong and changing your mind? Only when pigs fly my friend.


He was a victim. Drunk driving does not receive the death penalty, he was a victim of cruel and unusual punishment. He was a victim of overly harsh punishment. Even if DUI carried the death penalty, he was the victim of a vigilante. He was the victim of extra judicial punishment. He was Murdered. He was not on the

Copy and pating from another thread:

This!! So much this! They are so hideously ugly. They were ugly the first time they came around, and they are just as ugly now.