

You too :)

Mandatory minimums are generally a bad idea. You end up giving people long sentences to people who were generally following the law but screwed up on a technicality. You accidentally brought your rifle that was registered to your house up to your cabin rather than the other rifle that was sitting right next to the one

Anger? There's no anger!

Know how many people die in rail transit related accidents every year? 106. And 18 of those are where rails cross roads. How many bus occupants die a year? 54.

As a french canadian, let me tell you something, you are full of shit and have no clue what you are talking about.

Longest running Sci-Fi show. Superhero comics, while great, are not sci-fi.

LEDs are great for indoor agriculture. They are bright, have narrow wavelength emissions (makes it easy to tailor the light output to not waste energy on emitting light in the wavelengths that will not be absorbed by the plants), they have little heat (making indoor climate control easier), and I'm sure they have

Errr, it only satisfies the mean criteria if you make the a priori assumption that it is offensive. You can't then turn around and say that because it falls into the mean category it is offensive. That's just going in circles.

It would have been helpful if you had mentioned how many sieverts it takes to cause damage/kill someone. If on the high end they received 1.6 millisieverts, maybe the conspiracy theorists think it only take 0.001 millisieverts to kill someone.

A) I disagree about it being rational.

No, I don't mean that.

How does that checkmate anyone? Both Science and religion believe in the big bang. The only difference is whether you believe the big bang started when someone said "let there be light" or whether you believe it started by other means.

1. I'm not too sure about the selective hearing. Your ear is a tube. I don't think it can filter out certain sounds. Maybe you can train yourself to distinguish certain sounds better than others. But in the various videos they show the echolocators in situations where they can still use their 'skills' in situations

Yes, you are right. My mistake was because echolocation in animals is always* in the ultrasonic range, I had assumed that this is what they are referring to in humans as well.

From wikipedia: "Echolocation, also called bio sonar, is the biological sonar used by several kinds of animals." So, no. I'm not conflating the terms and I'm not confused. You are right and sonar, apparently, doesn't technically mean ultrasound. My mistake arose from the fact that (to my limited research) all animals

Yes, it is entirely possible to translate a game without changing any of the code. I develop websites in english and french. The all the text that goes on the site is contained in language files. en-CA.xml and fr-CA.xml. If I wanted to add a new language, I would make a new text file and that's it. Boom! The site

Yeah, good point. I didn't really mean an adapter so much as maybe something like simply splicing the cables together. USB is only like 4 wires. I don't really know data storage techniques on a sub so I can't say exactly what attack vector would be used. The point remains that it isn't about malicious code, the

Err... wasn't this disproved years ago?

And how long do you think it would take to come up with a proprietary-to-usb adapter? I'm going to say about 20 min, if you know what your are doing. An hour or two if you don't.