I mean that’s all true butttttt ... I don’t think Disney is crazy for thinking there’s a marketable audience for people who have watched all the films. I think they’re banking a bit too much on people watching all the interconnected TV shows but I can understand why they’d make that mistake after how much money they…
That’s totally true, but also not what the author said in the header, which was specifically related to Season 1 of the show. Lazy editing really, but this is Jezebel 2023 so what do we expect?
I’m sure there’s still some white space somewhere on the page that Filoni can draw a very curvy and jagged line to in order to color it in.
Uh, no, I think people who grew up with the movies didn’t care but Christensen was not a good actor at that stage of his career and it definitely made the prequels painful even for those of us trying to look past Jar Jar Binks and all the other nonsense. He seems like he’s grown since then and really figured out the…
In terms of the “shell” being different, that shell is pretty different. And I’m not sure the game underlying it’s core is all that distinct to Bethesda. Witcher 3 has a better plot that is more fun to follow but the core of the content in the game follows the same gameplay loop.
But it’s so important to do that.
The proper way to handle this would be to have your law enforcement processes consider that a suspect goes to the same campus as their alleged victim and that needs to be dealt with as a part of the arraignment, setting of bail and any conditions if the suspect is going to make bail.
Gosh maybe educational bodies shouldn’t be tasked with meting out justice in matters where their incentives could become misaligned?
Yeah 3 episodes in and the author’s hilariously bad assessment of S1 is propagated in their assessment of S2.
Should be an XP plus but a minus to maximum jump height for male characters.
Highs mixed in the upper 90s and lower 100s ... so no, this is firmly fall. I took my kids to the pool for 3 hours twice this weekend and barely needed to use any sun screen on them. It’s not quite pleasant enough to sit on my patio and drink hot coffee like a civilized person but I can go out in the early evening and…
I ran it initially on an HP Omen laptop with a 20 series laptop card and it was very pretty on the QHD monitor that I had it hooked up to without slowness. Just finished downloading it on a new machine rocking a 4090. As much as the experience was fine I’m anticipating quite a visual upgrade migrating to a 4k curved…
Pitiful mortals ...
Lucille Bluthe references deserve a comment in respect. RIP to the GOAT Jessica Walter.
“Accessibility is important”
Not even that. She doesn’t care about the perception of the party it’s just coverage for going after Biden as a campaign tactic.
whom is simply disabled post-stroke and using federally allowed accommodations to do his job.
“12,000 pages of encrypted Telegram messages sent by hundreds of War Room members,” in which the roughly 434 members share tactics and discuss results in their quests to seduce, “groom,” and deceive women into doing sex work for them.