I got to “They blew it.” And ended up in Albuquerque.
I got to “They blew it.” And ended up in Albuquerque.
lol for you replying to yourself.
Because it’s Sunday and the regular writers who will never stop fighting the good fight need to stop for a couple days because posting gifs they found on Reddit and writing 50 words is fucking hard work
This particular scenario about protecting their broadcast rights ($$$) not about limiting how much fun a player is having.
It has nothing to do with fun and everything to do with money.
Close- probably along the lines of “Maybe you guys should go out less, and I can’t wait for that road game against the Jazz!”
“Maybe this Trump guy isn’t so bad after all.”
“The Packers are too banged up. The Falcons are going to run away with it.”
That sentiment was “Jesus came to the United States where he told us to have multiple wives.”
The sentiment “Smoothies are overrated” should never be said in mixed company, no matter how true it is.
Well, that was shorts lived.
Gross. I was in the back of an unexpectedly huge crowd (as in most cities - RAWR!) in Toronto. The speeches before the march went on for must have been an hour, and we couldn’t hear them anyway. Honestly I was more inspired by the signs and the energy than speeches stating what we all believe already. My friend had…
Let’s be honest, he was a fucking asshole. But guys don’t deserve to die for being an asshole while playing baseball.
When I said Yordano Ventura needed to stop acting like a douche bag on the mound this isn’t what I meant, 2017.
I don’t want to be a prick or anything but he was probably best known for his habit of holding grudges, starting fights, and throwing beanballs. Or more charitably, he was extremely competitive.
I too was VERY happy to see the Obama’s LEAVE the white house!
“That wasn’t a false alarm. It was the alternate alarm.” KellyAnne Conway
Don’t you realize that income inequality needs to be remedied by profitable businesses paying more. You can’t solve that by taking a companies profits away from them to give to non working people in unemployment and welfare. By doing that you’ll take away more jobs to cover the costs. That’s why unemployment has only…
If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?