It was a little snark and a little logistical nuance but I appreciate your well thought reply.
It was a little snark and a little logistical nuance but I appreciate your well thought reply.
They are still on track to win the 2010 championship though right?
Whenever I am raped or a victim of an incestuous attack, I think about it for twenty weeks before I decide to get an abortion.
He has done more for the black man than Rahm Emanuel.
Jax finally got his sweater line made!!!!
Boat trip in Miami?
What does that have to do with David Merrick’s song & dance extravaganza?
They do.
HamNo, could you run these numbers from 1865 to 1913?
Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four of them decide to jump off.
Because 47% of people currently don’t pay any income tax.
Well, the gaffe was nothing so........
This is art.
》》the investigators found money in cash.《《
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
a tale of a fateful trip,
that started from this tropic port,
aboard this tiny ship.
How far could Chris Cluwe punt Joey Porter’s ACL?
It sounds like there were communication issues between the HC and the AD.