Nipple Juice

And prediction: new MacBook Air in 6 months

Good, but worth <$1800

That there's a crocodile feeder

I went black and hurt my back

I'm tired of picking pig hairs out of my toast

Not worth it

Send him to prison. See how they treat him there. That's where all kids who shoot their moms belong.

@CSVM: Did someone steal everyone's PrtScr buttons? Mine's fine

Looks like what an iVCR would look like

@Nitesh: Why don't they just sell the bits in combo packs so you can have as many as you want

I'd fuck Bill Gates too if I had the chance

I, for one, dislike simple controls. It's fun to get used to a gadget and you look cooler when nobody knows what the fuck you're doing

I know a lady who can eat that in one bite. In fact, I don't even think she bites.

Shoulda spent all that money on gummy bears