Nipple Juice

@twlreal: You win some, you lose some.

Too late, I just bought a Zune HD

So, my understanding is that they gave a dolphin dentures

It better have games on the back of the box

@staticfive: This calls for a chip crinkling press conference.

So how do I hide from authorities when I have the munchies?

I bet they were just hired workers

@moonshadowkati: Weed is a large part of the Mexican drug trade, though Most american weed is produced in USA.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: 3000mg/kg of pure THC was non lethal. What I think the government should do, if they were to legalize pot, then they should look into discouraging smoking and promote vaporizers or cooking.

Don't you just need a couple of cops?

@SKiTz: I smell a lawsuit

does it click?

The asian lady is a faun

@cadenlaguna: No, if you try and post these anywhere, your computer will blow up.