Stone Pony

He would have been wise to take a page from Uncle Jack’s playbook for those measurements at the Senior Bowl...

Looks fake. Kid leans into that last one. Ruins the whole experience for me.

best yet

It DID mention it took 114 tries

Dude sounds exactly like Marty Huggins

Sometime during High School I had a very vivid dream of sitting down in a public bathroom, and reading the graffiti on the stall wall. Woke up to a bed full of piss but I remembered the phone number scrawled on the dream stall wall. I never got the nerve to call it but I like to imagine some David Lynch scenario would

Can I ask the question that is on everyone’s minds? Why isn’t the story titled ‘Mighty Mighty Bosstones’ “The Impression That I Get” headlines new Rock Band 4 tracklist’?

4 out of 4 Throat Rips

Amy Schumer can take a punch