so will this PS3 transfer replicate all the data EXACTLY as on the original unit and then deactivate it? Groovy. My 40GB has been getting more crash-prone lately...
so will this PS3 transfer replicate all the data EXACTLY as on the original unit and then deactivate it? Groovy. My 40GB has been getting more crash-prone lately...
I still wish they had restored the GBA slot *tears*
@pastrychef: It should be possible as long as the monitor has its own Service Tag number. Otherwise it must be attached to a Dell PC.
@twinturbo2: Same deal with Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, but it took a while longer for that game. Never trust Namco Bandai.
@Nathan Obbards: HP is much bigger in Asia as well, especially their printer business.
@Shamoononon: I shave my legs.: True, and many are switching over to HP, if they bother to upgrade at all.
@Panzer23: Tip: Try to buy through the Small/Medium Business or Corporate group. You'll get much better support.
I work for Dell tech support and they've been forcing us to sell warranty extensions/upgrades and hardware accessories since Q2 this year. It's pretty sad and frustrating, and hardly anyone gets promoted.
@Tre_Green: But he bought a 360. Somebody ban this troll.
@(Zombie) D Mitsuki, Gotta have guts kid!: No the polygon edges themselves are rendered at full 1080p, but the textures are always at their original resolution - just upscaled/filtered out.
@cat. bus.: Hi, I'm T.T.
@jakemg: Are you manz? U ghey. Lololol
@ripfire: I'm a visitor from the fyootyur.
Maybe you just grab hold of Kaepora Gaebora's talons and fly around?
@Game_Sovereign: Agreed, I would love to seen an HD remake ala Mario All-Stars made in the future.
Original Game Boy or Game Gear comparison please.
@Manly_McBeeferton: Exactly. I would have bought this if they restored the GBA slot.
@MotherBrain: Nope, same resolution as the old one. Size has nothing to do with influencing dead pixels.
Hey, take pics of this thing next to a Game Gear or original Game Boy!
@Mister Jack started the Save The Lombax Foundation: I agree. At least he actually had spoken text in Mario Galaxy too!