@Pete359: A maid??? In which game?
@Pete359: A maid??? In which game?
@xyzl: Thanks for clearing it up. I think they should also expand a bit on Blaze the Cat, she's one of the cooler recent characters IMO. Silver and most of the others, meh
@ReynaldoRiv: What's even more confusing is that apparently there are Shadow robots in Sonic Heroes...
@Badmofo: That's the one with Dolby Surround right? Amazing for SNES.
@Bialia: Oh my, the countless hours my pals and I played Battle mode...
The girl on the right looks somewhat manish. #katamaridamacy
What I really want is a direct continuation of Fusion's events. #metroid
@normandygahn: I wonder if Bowser's sex organ has spikes too? #princesspeach
Bowser's no lizard, he's a turtle... thing. #princesspeach
@medopal: you don't understand, the older PS3 models really allowed you to install a Linux distro and use the console as a basic PC. #ps3facebook
@senatormayer: It kinda does but the buttons and drop downs act up a lot or don't work right. #ps3facebook
@Billkwando: The Wii Wheel can be useful too, but not really needed. #wii
@icepick314: true, but you still need fake limbs to control thru it! #lawsuit
Next, amputees will sue unless they get special controllers designed specifically for them. #lawsuit
@WhiteMage says fix the comments grr: I agree. Sucks to be him, but Sony and other companies don't have to go out of their way to add giant blinky arrows and markers. They aren't responsible for a person's disabilities. Next we'll have deaf people wanting musical notes on screen... #lawsuit
Yeah, all the updates have gone smoothly on my 40 (now 250)GB PS3. Same for all my friends, even those who own original 20 and 60GB units. I'm guessing that the bricked machines either had pre-existing corrupt files or a hardware component on the brink of failure before the update was installed. #ps3
@PoweredByHentai: Lady Gaga #tekken6