@Ali-Kharazi: Actually Tekken 6 does have higher-res and 60fps CG video clips compared to the 360. It takes up about 20GB of space on the Blu-Ray with no redundant data. #tekken6
@Ali-Kharazi: Actually Tekken 6 does have higher-res and 60fps CG video clips compared to the 360. It takes up about 20GB of space on the Blu-Ray with no redundant data. #tekken6
@Manu_otaku: actually Burnout Paradise and Call of Duty 4 were much closer ports. Almost identical. #tekken6
Most fighting game series have at least one old man character, and the Pixar UP game counts too. Actually, playable old women are extremely rare. #aging
@istuffedsunny: Who are you to decide what's "too expensive"? You're an over-entitled asshole. #xboxlive
what happens if you punch it? #aida
@jeremycole: I see. I usually play in bed with the screen less than 10-12 inches away. #top
@jeremycole: you just need glasses. #top
@otis123: Hello, it's from the same maker! #bayonetta
Back in the day Mario Kart Double Dash was a turd compared to F-Zero GX. So much effort was put into that game, each of the 40 racers even had a short ending movie. #starfox
@D-K, has mastered the dim-mak candlepunch: He's a falcon, not an eagle. That's why his name is Falco! #starfox