
Anyone else get a sense that things will eventually end really badly for this guy? Not sure if it is another fake heart attack, an addiction problem, or he ends up in a clocktower shooting at coeds, but he just has the look of a man that is wound too tight, and primed to snap at some point.

Urban is wondering if putting some better ingredients into his game plan might have made a difference in his bowl situation....

This gif should end with Sparty coming over and decapitating Bucky in 300-esque fashion, then holding up Bucky's severed head while yelling "Sparta" to the howling mob.

$100K is temporary. Douchebaggery is for a lifetime. The girl seemed to be looking at the officials like, "are you really going to let this happen?"

It's outstanding that you can be productive on such a shortened sleep cycle, that will make up for the fact that statistically you will die much carpe diem!

I kept waiting for some really funny stuff...."wow that escalated quickly, that really got out of hand quickly" or maybe dismissing the female co-anchor by telling her to go back to her home on whore island....or just a "great story...compelling and rich"....but it just seemed like he was looking to completely ad lib

Gotta love how the coaching staff is selflessly preparing him for the myriad college scholarship opportunities out there for 400 lb. running backs.

Did his attempt dunk of the football over the goal post impact his score?

Jeebus H. Christ, it's so mesmerizing. I can't look away. It's like the Kramer.

Seems like his jacket should say "LSD" rather than LSU.

typical faggoty ass motherfucker...

For some reason, being called a shitbird would bother me more than being called a quitting ass motherfucker, or being considered a purveyor of bitch ass football. Not even sure what a shitbird means exactly, but it just seems more offensive....maybe because the more traditional obscenities get so overused...

For some reason, being called a shitbird would bother me more than being called a quitting ass motherfucker, or being considered a purveyor of bitch ass football. Not even sure what a shitbird means exactly, but it just seems more offensive....maybe because the more traditional obscenities get so overused...

So is the presence of gloves that are about 100X stickier than the stuff that the great Freddie Biletnikoff would have been suspended for putting on his hands.

When he goes back home to visit the family, how does he explain what he does for a living to his dear old grandpa?

This whole thread is udder madness.

I thought it was just to help them prepare to cope with a lifetime of bleak career prospects and agonizing chronic pain after they retire at age 30...

This is absolutely glorious.

I would categorize that as the "fanciest" fat guy touchdown I have seen.....but for my money, the ultimate fat guy touchdown requires the lineman to run at least 50 yards, wheezing uncontrollably for the last 10 yards, then collapsing in the end zone.

I dogmatically cling to the belief that anything that reeks of cheesy gamesmanship in tennis can ultimately be traced back to Brad Gilbert. It's like six degrees of Kevin Bacon, only much more obnoxious, and direct.