
So authentic. Heartfelt. Poignant.

"Pitbulls everywhere"

Hell, this letter seems pretty mild....I was afraid he was going to threaten to cunt-punt the next dog that pooped on his lawn.

But I did hear that the best man gave a lovely toast right before they started playing....

However, all sources agreed that Howard is, in fact, a huge douche.

Yuengling tastes like their secret family brewing process involves running it through a horse.

You'll just have to grin and bear it.

Looks like he was the only guy that hustled enough to get back on defense....his reward was a 3 on 1 fast break, getting dunked on, and being packaged and featured to help some bay-area nothing website build traffic.

"The Tour de France is back and it's a Bloody Mess".

I'm surprised he didn't try to deck them.

Who is worse at journalism? Fox News or ESPN? Discuss.

Understand your perspective, but if you believe in market forces, wouldn't we be seeing more kids go to play overseas for a year or two then come back to the NBA, or more kids going directly to the NBA and bypassing the "cartel" of 300+ teams? Why don't they join the NBA Developmental League instead? Why not?

I hear what you are saying, but they also get something they could get nowhere else....a chance to hone their job skills with the best development, coaching, support, etc. they could get anywhere....and the chance to market themselves to a national audience in order to boost their value to NBA teams. I think of it as

Actually, we are. We have virtually no voluntary turnover, we fill almost all our open positions via WOM from current team members, and we have been twice selected a "best place to work" in our state. Our employees think of us as an extended family because of the extra things we do for them and the fun things we do

Exactly. I wish I could have said it as well as you just did the first time I tried.....

Fair question, I don't think I articulated it well. What I meant was that I have had a candidate answer the phone while they were at a kid's soccer match, or at home with their 3 golden retrievers, or in the Atlanta airport, etc....and in all of those cases they might have made the decision not to answer the call and

No worries, you will rarely run into our job postings, because we hire virtually everyone via WOM. We have twice been voted a best place to work in our state and we have virtually no voluntary turnover....people say that they love our company because we are like a big family. Clients constantly ask our service

Well, since none of those was part of the original scenario, no, of course I don't no anyone who would expect someone to risk their life or personal health to take a phone call....but you did a nice job of missing the original point by using an extreme example outside the original context of the discussion...

I guess the fundamental problem I have with your post is that you assume I would view it as a negative if you called me while driving, standing in an airport, etc.....(sitting on the pot carved out)....I love it when someone is confident enough in who they are to pick up the call and take it while multi-tasking....or

Our company is in the process of hiring about 100 people for a variety of positions as we are in rapid growth mode. As an employer, I love this advice - it helps me weed out the people who lack the ability to be prepared and think on their feet. So please, don't take my call. Take some time to "gather your