
See, this is why backwards compatibility should be standard practice. I’m not talking popping a disc in the system and having it work, I’m talking digital. Preserve these older games, in a semi-updated fashion, so that they can be enjoyed forever rather than forgotten to time. I bought an adapter for my old systems so

I got you. I had a huge collection, just recently finished downsizing for my move this month, here’s my advice:

Can’t decide if I was more hurt by that or by Lagwagon not even cracking the top 10. Leave it to Kotaku to get me to advocate for Lagwagon in the year 2017.

Bad Religion at 8??? 8?!?!?!?!! Wut. Should be top 3 easy.

Companies are definitely not as efficient as they should be. You’d think that those three studios churning out COD every year would share assets and tech huh?

Honestly, if they released a really comprehensive editor a la RPG Maker with square Enix designed assets in the vein of the SNES years with modern sprites, I think people would jump on it. Not only would it attract people to their older games, but it would allow fans to take a narrative lead and be a sort of massive

Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 is one of the most incredible recoveries from pure suckage to top tier I’ve seen in an MMO.

You can create female pictured in the article you just read I assume. :p

No doubt. It’s still silly that Americans are so uptight about nudity when a good chunk of advertising can be considered “sex sells” and pretty much everyone is okay with their kiddies playing Call of Duty or Gears of War while they tell me what they’ve done to my mother.

Chain battles still work in this version, I used it to farm some wolves in the starting area myself.

No, each job could only be assigned once. Since there are six characters and twelve jobs that works out to two jobs per character.

There’s a way to grind early on in the game to a decent level, when you just have Vaan and Penelo.

I think the strategy worked something like this: One of the early hunts, a big wolf I think, had a chance for you to steal a pretty good weapon, with a wind attribute. You grind until you can get the Limit break or

Every RPG is pretty much the perfect game for Switch. I want Persona 5 on Switch so bad.

Surprisingly, everyone is better at Archer than Fran and the same goes for Machinist and Balthier. I know in the first game, Fran and Balthier were actually slower with their assumed weapons than everyone else was, so bows and guns are actually their worst weapons, respectively. Kind of a weird tidbit, but I’m not

If you look around a room and don’t see a might be you...

*sees Jack Sparrow cosplay*

They were made accessible months ago. They made a monster hunt quest on top of them before, where you had to warp to each one to kill cactuars.


Yeah, the story was a bummer, but at least the game was designed in such a way you only need to beat it once and chill and hang for a majority of it.

...this may just be enough to get me to fire the game up for another playthrough.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually did enjoy the game the first time through (though like many, I found the story to be almost irretrievably broken, which was disappointing), but I’ve found it hard to work up the energy to go back for another