ninja wolf

Analog dick pics! OMG

My wife once got an actual photograph of some guy’s boner slid under the apartment door. She and her roommate figured it was the creepy morning doorman of their building. She kept it because it was so comically large. Years later, I was trying to find a pen and I stumbled across it and she told me the story. This was

Genitalia is better.

I mainly just wanted an excuse to say the word genitals. Which is a great word.

The problem is, I couldn’t see how anything in my annual exam would have prevented that. I specifically went in and scheduled an appointment to get my pills rejiggered when they were giving me stomach problems - but my GYN doesn’t do bloodwork. I mentioned my mom got sick on birth control pills when she started them,

Donald being pantsless is disturbing. He wears a shirt, but he has no pants! He’s like the Fernwood Flasher.



Why does Goofy, a dog, can wear pants....why does Pluto, also a dog, not?

Where are Donald’s pants?

Just what are they trying to pull here, anyways?!

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

Also, if Hillary would publicly present him with this as a Christmas gift, I would die of laughter: Everybody Poops

Considering there are women who think that, then the odds are 100%.

Yeah! Fuck this guy diverting people from real issues by talking about real issues!

You’re like a troll, trolling right? Cause YOU are one of the reasons people won’t vote for Hilary in the primary. People don’t like knowing the ending. They want to believe that they have some input. And FYI: Bernie doesn’t take away from “real” issues. He brings real issues to the table. Without him Hillary would

How much money do we want to bet that Trump thinks ladies pee out of their bajingos?

I really don’t get what you’re trying to say here. Overturning Citizen’s United is a real issue, and the only reason it’s being talked about is because Bernie’s beating that drum. I honestly have no idea what horrible harm Bernie’s doing by running. That’s kinda how democracy works... At least as close as this country

If ‘the Republicans have no chance against Hillary’, the why are you so pressed that Bernie is running? The people who are pro-Bernie have always had issues with Hillary - so he did not create them.

Bernie and Hillary are serious people acting like serious candidates - discussing policy without resorting to fantastical lies and insults like the other side. They deserve our respect because they’re acting like adults. The “piss off, rednecks” line is more like the blather coming from the other side. Discuss Bernie

This is the American voters’ election. I don’t read him here as saying anything nasty about Hillary, and he is, in fact helping her: toughening her up for the Republican she’ll eventually end up running against. There was worry that she’d coast through the nomination process and not be ready to deal with the eventual

How is essentially defending her right to go to the bathroom during a debate considered nasty? What, exactly, has he said beyond “the emails should be investigated” that’s so offensive? I’m confused as to what you’re getting at.


That seems like a joke friends would make among themselves. Maybe Rand thought they were biffles?