ninja wolf

That would be hot! They're both so alienated.

Seriously. It also doesn't help if you send cut-n-paste messages to your targets-er the ladies you'd like to woo. I used to have multiple personae on nerve, back in the day when they allowed those things and I'd get the SAME EXACT messages from the same people about how they only had eyes for ME. Shheeeesh

While I agree that the mentally ill should not be stewed up in some big crazypot to make crazysoup so we can eat them like Mitt Romney wanted to eat the poor, I also found this woman's blog entry compelling. It is hard to know what to do with an person under the age of 18 whom you suspect to be mentally ill

Yeah, I think said black girl just has really bad fake tan. Because it's so sunny in State College PA in December,

I'm pretty sure that the 9% lead Americans in support of gay marriage have over those who oppose it was significant enough to make him comfortable taking the stand. A *large* majority of those who oppose it weren't going to vote for Obama anyway. Also, this is not a single, double or even triple issue country, as much

"Poors" is completely grammatically incorrect, so unless you were doing that intentionally, you might need to buy a dictionary and a copy of Elements of Style. "The poor" itself is plural, putting an s on it is sort of like saying deers.

I know I'm not supposed to feed the troll but "poors(!?!?! poors??) should not waste their money shopping at Whole Foods and sensible middle class people don't shop there either." ??? GFY

Seriously, what do they plan to do about the sexual exploitation of young girls that may or may not lead to the unwanted pregnancy. Or is there some sort of pregnancy blocking hormone for exploitation?

Really? Have you been listening to Romney talk? I'm surprised he even knows his own name given his apparent amnesia about his past policies and political stance. It's pretty bad to be ill-informed about yourself.

Have you been to impoverished neighborhoods. They're chock full of fast-food joints and really light on Whole Foods. Some of this shit is institutionalized new Jim Crowe stuff. And it isn't like you are personally paying for someone's medically necessary gastric bypass surgery. Get over yourself.


It's more the Mexi-hatred that's the problem. Really, a double fence?? (stay out Mexicans, but leave your tacos. We like those). The employers of illegal immigrants are socially irresponsible and exploitative (for the most part). Socially irresponsible because of our ridiculous unemployment rate and wretched economy.

Excellent point. Living on this planet full of stupid people building and spreading smelly, sick-making air, water and earth polluting gasses and waste is ALSO a health hazard. To ALL of us. Fuck those hypocrites who force their business choices on my lifestyle and then shame me if my BMI is too high for their liking.

Great breakdown of the scary as shit GOPBS but I have one issue. Not all southerners are vipers (nor are all vipers southerners). I know some sweet as pie southerners whose sweet-pie-ness goes all the way down to their Obama-loving souls. Just saying.