
Any former police vehicle should be sold only after being painted a gaudy lime green so as not to be confused with active duty cruisers. In addition:

Triscuits and Nutella sounds great!

I don’t feel particularly brave for not having children. I have always actively not wanted them. The only time bravery enters into it is if I mention one of the reasons for me remaining childfree is that I don’t like kids much. Never have, even when I was one. It’s becoming more acceptable to not have kids, I’m not

Co-fucking-signed on all of this. The early days with my first baby, I was an absolute wreck. Exhausted, on the brink emotionally, very isolated. Only in hindsight do I see this clearly.

“1. Unfrosted blueberry”

A person who leads another on, when they are in that vulnerable state, is either not realizing they are doing it because you haven’t been honest with them. Or they are also not willing to use their words. Or it could be that they are predatory assholes, who see your problem and have decided to take advantage. That is

No Jeep Cherokee, calling BS.

I cannot tell you how amazing not having kids is. When I think about not having the rich community of friends and acquaintances who make my life meaningful, the opportunity to make a difference through the volunteer projects I'm involved with and taken leadership roles in (and the chance to see the people I've helped

Measure this commentary which is consistently made by just about every parent vs looking at them. You have to actually look at them, listen to their conversations, and measure it without the 'cult of kid' vibe going. When you do that you realize its almost always a chant that they are using to convince themselves