
A few of my favorites:

Frosted cherry Pop Tarts are life. You eat all of the edges off first so all that is left at the end is an immaculate jam-crust-frosting ratio.

A girl has become Sweeney Todd.

If you don’t mind me asking, how do you break up the weights/reps? I’ve been trying to get into some semblance of a routine and 45mins to 1hr would be the perfect time. I had a personal trainer for a minute, and they told me to do 3 sets of 15 reps for most exercises (core and squats it could be 3 sets of 20 or more).

I remember the first major job I did was replacing the CV joint on my 91 Chevy Silverado. My dad had just had back surgery and it needed replacing so he sat on a 5 gallon bucket and instructed me in the removal and reinstallation of all the parts and instilled in me the importance of torquing your lug nuts.