Way to wait for information to make a judgement. Nice job.
Way to wait for information to make a judgement. Nice job.
iPhone user here, not a compelling enough feature for me to switch.
I like how you sign your posts
Yes, if you wanna improve your mapping service it would be really stupid to buy a headphone company. Totally agree.
So what, google implemented this in google now a few months before apple. I've been using a 3rd party app that does this for years now. They are both late to the party. And who really cares?
Your post was more fanboy than mine. "OMG Android is FIRST! LOLZ!" A feature coming out a couple months after is not late. Samsung's fingerprint scanner was later than this and I don't even consider that to be late. A smartphone cycle is 12 months. Any features that comes out within those 12 months of each other…
I wouldn't call this late. That feature in Google Now is only a month old. You act like it's been around forever.
oh.. This is awkward.. Cause the fandroids were just telling us all how android already has everything in iOS 8... Guess it doesn't!
Look, just because you're butt hurt doesn't mean you have to be nasty, okay?
that's kind of the whole point, isn't it? It's so well integrated that people use it often times whitout even knowing it's there. Thus they don't give a fuck. Untill you'd take it away and they'd have to pay for all those messages again.
ZING!!!! HAHAHLOL. Man, it's a good thing Android never copies anything themselves or you might sound a bit hypocritical.
Yeah, and the best part is you don't have to restart your phone 8 times a day to use them!
So...everyone complained that Apple didn't have these features. Now, they get these features and everyone's complaining that Apple is putting these features in.
I have an HTC one M8 kit kat 4.4.2 and I never get location based alerts for starbucks like I did on my iPhone. So this is great and something android or the starbucks developers dont have. FWP, I know.
Agreed. I was an iPhone user (from the first iPhone) turned Android (for the Note, and then GS3), now I'm back to iPhone (5). Yes, these are catch-up features, but I will say, I believe Apple does it better. I like Android...or, I like the idea of Android...it's just not polished the way Apple's environment is...and…
Did an iPod touch you inappropriately as a child.
Not sure who invented what but Apple has had widgets way before Android came about.
If you mean the "hamburger" icon, that's been around forever and is pretty much the standard "menu" symbol.
If you're only talking about the pre-packaged junk you can buy at your local convenience store, sure. But that's still being generic.
I love how everyone criticize Beats by Dre. Most people didn't even own a pair.