
It's funny that Sony didn't really need to do/change anything to win. They just let MS trip over it's own feet.

Android invented everything!!!!

Cool story.

I don't remember where I saw it, but heard that Yahoo and Apple worked together on the app design.

"Most awesome" =/= "First"

Probably the same people that say iOS is "boring". I just image these people sitting at their computers looking at the desktop wallpaper and saying, "I'm bored.. this wallpaper is desktop is boring."

Also, "choice and freedom!!!!"

So you know what iOS7 looks like and how it behaves? I'm sure Giz would pay good money for your insight.

How is this different on Android if they leave all the default settings?

"Android is about CHOICE and FREEDOM"

Exactly this. In my office, we have a stereo system that is AirPlay enabled, and we take turns blasting music to the entire office. I'm still somewhat new to Spotify, so I don't have that many established playlist that I've built from the ground up, so I rely on other peoples' playlists. And if I walk away from my

Hmm. That could work, although I really don't want to do that with the amount of subscribed playlists I have. There's a multipage thread on their forums about this exact thing, and I'm patiently waiting for them to implement this feature

This x10000. Full time developer/designer, for both web and applications. iOS is my OS of choice. Granted I haven't used W8 very much or BB, but iOS does what it needs to, and very well. High quality apps, as well getting them before any OS (for the most part). I see the appeal of Android, but to me, it just

Still waiting for the option to exclude songs on these shared playlists

Or, you can, ya know.... turn down the volume

I like to only read the headline too and then comment, showing everyone how I saved time by JUST reading the headline, and not the stupid irrelevant text below it LOOOOOOOOL. That joke is on them LOOOOL

I'm a pretty tech savvy person..heck, I'm a developer so I sort of have to be. But when I have to Google "how to shutdown Windows 8", that there is a UX fail.

These collars should be in an upright position