
Spotify subscription....check, Netflix subscription....check, Typekit subscription....check, Web hosting subscription....check, iTunes Match subscription....check, Usenet subscription....check, Comcast subscription....check, AT&T subscription....check

It seems as though Twitter is trying to drive people to use the website more these days with it's recent changes to it's API

What ever you're smoking, please share. I've walked in to an Apple store in many occasions with either a problem with an accessory or the phone itself, and happily walked out with a new one, no questions asked, no credit cards, no $25 entrance fee that you mentioned. OMG that just sounds horrible doesn't it?

What the hell? [ninjaroll]

I don't get it. How so?

"A phone is only as safe, or unsafe as the person using it." Fixed it for you.

What what

The hipster in me says "I've been eating my utensils before it was cool"

Google Maps pissed me off the other day, but I guess it's "funnier" to say Apple sucks.

Not a properly done logo. Illustrator is the way to go because of scaling "losslessness". Mockups CAN be done in Photoshop, but the end product should be done in Illustrator.

It took me all of 2 seconds to Google that.

"Hello? Where you at?"

Cheaper solution... strap a camera on this guys head. You're welcome.

+1000 I've never seen a blog layout along with a commenting system that was this bad in my life. Whoever designed it should be ashamed. UX Fail!

Now I can have my data mined by both Facebook AND Google?? Where do I sign up?

LOL. Android users really have a reading comprehension just a notch above a dingleberry. Please go back to Engadget where Apple hating trolls run wild and give each other high fives.

But is AT&T the only carrier (US) that is able to do data and voice simultaneously? This has been a life saver for me a couple of times.

I'm glad people are finally waking up. I've gotten plenty of heat from Google fanboys when I say that Google doesn't care about you.. just your data. Ask yourself WHY they're providing all these free services to you. Is it coming from the kindness from their hearts? Most likely no.

Sounds pretty hipstery to me.

Sounds vaguely familiar...