
Wow.. Look at that line to get in. Reminds me of that Samsung commercial that mocked people standing in line. "If it looks the same, how will people know I upgraded?"

Samesung Galaxy S3s

*slow clap* This. This guy here. You would expect to see this sort of comment on an Apple article, but you sir... you turned the tables. Bravo!

HA! Stupid Apple users with their stupid bugs...oh..uh.... This is about Samsung???? Carry on, there's nothing to see here. I'm sure they'll sort it out.

No. Just no. I wish I can go on life with that mentality. Perhaps we should just encourage trolling in these articles, what do you think? Perhaps I should go to each Android or Windows article and call the users of the platforms offensive names, and if they disagree, it's their fault that they're insecure? Perhaps

So fucking tired of Apple haters. Are you really that insecure?

The internet is the blue E on the desktop Grandma!!!

You criticized the quality of writing, yet your grammar and spelling make my eyes bleed. Furthermore, you didn't give us any insight on why it's better than iphone and Android. Fanboy is a fanboy. You're better off just writing "z10 > EVERYTHING!!"

That's fine. Whatever. I'm not the one who came into this article and wrote "iOS is inferior to android" The article mentions NOTHING about Android, yet you're defending this troll, and I'M the bad guy???

wE dOn'T SpeW ouT "OPENNESS aNd FreEdoM", anD thEn makE fuN of PPL wHo doN't choOse AndRoiD. #YOLO

This is a prime example of why I don't like Android. It's users.

I'll believe it when I see it. There has been talk over the past few years about "new battery technology", but it seems as though they never, ever surface to the public.

Gee.. It sure sounds like antennae-gate doesn't it Giz?

LOL. Let me guess, if you get this, then you're the idiot.

What are they lying about?

Androids are for people either too cheap to buy an iPhone, or a present from Mommy and Daddy. Blanket statements are fun aren't they?

I'm going to agree to disagree. The smartest people I know use Macs... Developers, engineers, CEOs, etc. I do offsite meetings quite often, from companies like Google, to smaller startups, the majority, if not all use Macs. Compare this to the Windows users that I know who only use their machines for games, Excel

Status?? Really? I'm a secure enough person to buy whatever I want and use whatever I want. It seems as though Android users need to justify their purchase in every. single. article.

Aubrey - Interaction, UX & Product Designer. Can you PLEASE help Gawker with its God awful commenting system?