
It goes both ways...just sayin. Go into any Apple thread and I'll bet you there will more comments from Android users bashing Apple than anything. The arrogance is thick.

You're the reason why I hate Android users. Smug and angry.

You must also be in shock that people pre-ordering games.

7200 PowerPC

When you drag and drop attachments in Windows Live Mail, it automatically uploads to CloudApp and give you a link?

You're so indie.

I'm going to created an animated porn series called C-Men. The cast consist of a character called Pulver-wein, Professor XXX, and CumFire. If Marvel sues me, they are wrong.

The term "Well, there's only so many ways you can...." = FAIL

It's crazy to think that Amazon started off as an online book store. Look at it now competing with the tech big boys!!

What? You mean these don't work?!?!?

ZOMG! And my Macbook Pro came with a Hitachi hard drive, NVIDIA graphics card, and Intel chip!! WTF Apple?!?!?!? /s


Jesus people. It really doesn't take a genius to notice the similarities. I'm sure my 4 year old niece can spot the similarities. It's hilarious seeing the people put their hand on their foreheads, saying "Where??? Where?????" Here is a pretty picture pointing out what I can tell are pretty much the same.

"I'll stick with Google music: 20K songs. unlimited devices. Free, for now."

Oh noes!! Apple is FORCING us poor ifans to use their paid service. What are we to do?

"The thing is Android uses more power because it does more things. you get GPS and wifi and multi-tasking and push email."

Ooo weee.... and people thought Apple users were pretentious douche-bags.

Having an iPad with make you look like a pretentious douche-bag, but having this will make you look like fuckin' ROCKSTAR on a unicorn!! /s