@TehQ: Android = butt hurt emo
@TehQ: Android = butt hurt emo
@dswatson83: "you're stupid"
@iPolak: Anything Apple makes will make non Apple users angry.
@dennis636223: Would love to see your list
@zomgzombies: approved
I do not have a Droid X, but I DO have a problem with it. I will go on many blogs and will express all my anger about these issues.
@hulahoophugs: Specs don't mean anything anymore. Look at the JooJoo
Man I'm so sick of Apple locking users down! Why can't th.... OH. This is about Android?? Oh....Um. Well bravo!!! Keep up the good work Google. Open source FTW!!
@Nelson Torres: Wow!!! What do I have to do to get one of those? Did you make it yourself?
@Troy Brown: How DARE anyone express less than stellar opinions about the holy Android!!!
I would like to see this
@cboyle4: Same here. No issues or dropped calls. But Android users will tell me otherwise.
This obviously came from a copy and paste:
@media2242: Seriously. Who the fuck is whining? I'm tired of Android 'tards running around claiming that iPhone users are bitching and moaning when it's the other way around.
@8oardR1der: Oh you Android fanbots are a delight. Get it?
@norazi: *double post*
@norazi: My 200,000 acre walled garden feels a lot bigger than your 60,000 acre garden.
@Thorax707: Couldn't agree with you more.