
@Troy Brown: How DARE anyone express less than stellar opinions about the holy Android!!!

@cboyle4: Same here. No issues or dropped calls. But Android users will tell me otherwise.

This obviously came from a copy and paste:

@media2242: Seriously. Who the fuck is whining? I'm tired of Android 'tards running around claiming that iPhone users are bitching and moaning when it's the other way around.

@8oardR1der: Oh you Android fanbots are a delight. Get it?

@norazi: My 200,000 acre walled garden feels a lot bigger than your 60,000 acre garden.

@Thorax707: Couldn't agree with you more.

@Sam Packard: So spending $299 on iPod/iPhone speakers is foolish, but spending the same amount on headphones is ok?

Does this thing come in black?

@Kerensky97: And the winner of the most failed anti-Apple comment of the day goes to.....