
Well, you might also like to know that one-third of House of Pain is partly responsible for the formation of Limp Bizkit (DJ Lethal).

♫ Don's in charge
of our lives
and our rights…♫


Good point.

You do realize they put that on the box, right?

I think "hot" is an overstatement. This mixtape is room temperature at best.


Or Algernon.

Puny Gods

I considered torrenting it, but I received one copyright strike already on my internet service.

I think the problem is the fact the WB/DC is playing catch-up to Disney/Marvel with a four year lead. They desperately need to be able to compete in the movie space or be left behind but that same desperation is causing a lot of bad decisions. If they had taken the time to actually build a world that people could

Part of me wants to see this shitshow just so I can determine first hand how terrible it is, but the other part of me doesn't want to give them any money because WB/DC and Zack Snyder do not need any encouragement to do this ever again.

Word escape me…

Trump is a Pokémon in the New York Johto region.

I agree taking the chance like they did with RE4 was a bold choice and probably something that needed to be done, but it was at the expense of a key element of what Resident Evil was by taking the "horror" out of "survival horror". Resident Evil becomes more akin to playing a Metal Gear Solid game minus the stealth

While RE4 is a great game, I feel it's not the best Resident Evil game at all. Before it's release, the previous installments had set the tone for the series in which the player is to dread what is to come around every corner. It feeds on paranoia by forcing you to count every bullet, think out every path on the map,

I live in South Carolina where actually walking, breathing people are in support of Trump. I think Breitbart commenters are having a field day as extreme right they tend to be.

Uh, I think Breitbart is the dumpster fire of the internet, the comments section its kindling.

Never mind the American Gothic movie that ripped that image off completely. I also remember the American Gothic TV series and season 1 of American Horror Story doing it for the ad campaign but I might be misremembering.

Yours beats mine, but mine is dedicated solely to playing games: