
And not a single "rap god" among that group you mentioned.

Sure it's great to support absolutely everyone in their efforts and treat them equally. I'm all for that. So I have equally chosen to judge this movie for the dumpster fire that it is based on the same assessment used for other terrible blockbuster releases like Batman v Superman, the Bay TMNT films, and the

Exactly. If this Ghostbusters movie had been, let's say, a Happy Madison production and looked as shit as it does now, no one would cry "MISANDRY!" when everyone shit on it. I think this movie just needs to evaporate and go away to the Wal-Mart bin where it belongs.

Because putting a black man in the armor was an earned storyline moment since James Rhodes had been a part of the Iron Man mythos for years before and was the best friend of Tony Stark. It made sense to pass the mantle on to him instead of a random person who only existed 20 minutes ago. It's the same reason why

I'd have to disagree with Girard about Sonics mechanic's not being capable of making a fun platformer game since Freedom Planet basically proves it can be done. Most of the main character's moveset is derived from abilities that Sonic has received through the entire franchise (though some may not have been in 2D) and

Jamie Lee Curtis wasn't unkillable in Halloween. She died in Resurrection.

Here's the thing, much like most outcry of "Women? Hell no!" that's a small, very loud minority who are a bunch of idiots that need to go back to their caves and stay there. The majority of people, both men and women alike, have a problem with the movie because all steps taken are bad.

The issue is that rebooting has reached critical mass as every movie coming out now is a reboot, reimagining, remake or whatever the fuck they want to call it, they decided to redo a movie that's considered a classic by most which was completely unnecessary except for the excuse of taking cash from movie goers and

I wouldn't be able to get one anyway since the No-Prize is strictly a Marvel thing.

Well, through evolution all water-based life come from the same source and have the same connection in which Aquaman is able to tap into. Done.

Or Carybdis, the guy who fed his hand to hungry piranha just to prove he stole his ability to speak to sea-life. For a guy who get's called a pussy by most people he has the most badass villains of the bunch.

I would add Batman Begins to his list of bad movies and he would still have a better batting average than Snyder.

She needs to team up with Black Dynamite to help clean up the community.

The deal is you only have to pay that $35K once for the equipment. For a human employee, you pay that $32K year after year and possibly more later. Not a justification, just the math.

So is "fis" shorthand for the Fistula Foundation or "Fuck, I'm smart"?

Actually, I'd say the best way for them to get everything back under one roof would be through House of M. The MCU already have the pieces in place with Scarlet Witch and Dr. Strange so they can work out a plot where the latter realizes that fabric of reality is coming undone when the former's powers increase

So basically God is Christian Freddy Krueger?

Goddammit! I just moved to South Carolina! Do I really need to set it on fire?!

Contemporary Christian Music, here comes a new challenger!

I always wondered if Totally Biased would have survived on Comedy Central instead of playing second fiddle to Russell Brand on FX.