
It's funny because everything I read about the Canadian legal system is that it's very soft on crime and a complete joke. You don't have capital punishment and Canadians who commit murder in the US easily get asylum back in their native country. The US has a pathetic criminal justice system, no doubt, but don't let

I didn't get the ill-fitting and thought it was much cuter than those maxi dresses (AKA mumus).

I asked some protesters outside a Boston clinic what they do to help children once their mom's chose not to abort. They just walked away from me and kept shouting.

I respect your position. I really do. However, laws like this that restrict women's freedom represent a truly slippery slope towards further and further governmental control to what we as people can do (not just women, but that's where they'll start!). Further, if you want to make abortion illegal, understand that the

I can't star posts either - it just defaults to reply. Grrrr. And I agree with both of you.

Awfully sophisticated writing for a 13 year old girl! Methinks mom and or dad lender a hand.

Check out the current trial of Jonathon Richardson. Years back there were Jesse Compton and Blaine Milam. Human suffer far more.

Well, what do you think is a better solution? Cutting birth control and abortion (that's what the Republicans propose)?

I simply do not understand these women who feed their kids to a sadistic BF who ultimately kills their child. This case is not unique by any means and how any mother can allow this boggles the mind.

Yay! And we, like, totally oppose the death penalty, right? Like OMG.


Yeah, is this an ironic list or something?

Oh for pete's sake he apologized on his Facebook shortly thereafter. Put your pitchfork down.

For some reason, reading this tonight makes me incredibly sad that such a horrible trauma is being played out in the media. Seems like a really sickening circus sideshow and I wish it would stop now.

Makes perfect sense.

Isn't that a little black bin off to the left there?

I've never listened to his music. That may be why I don't hate him. I've only seen him rock his acting and those blue, blue eyes.

Sorry, it's early. I hate when someone posts satire or sarcasm and then some rube (this morning, me) replies with an earnest, annoying comment.

Another take: "Stop trying to troll for headlines and making everything a controversy. Bye now."

Jared Leto gave an incredible performance in Dallas Buyers Club. Regardless of his public persona the performance is spectacular and hard to dismiss.