
Hope she can sustain the fight and keep in it. Loved her words and delivery.

It 100% will.  No one knew who she was until this.  Now she’s gonna be on every news cycle and doing interviews anywhere she can.  Like I said on yesterday’s post about this--talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

This is pure fascism.

I can only hope this will backfire in a similar fashion to the Tennessee Three, and give Zephyr a larger national platform.

Any man who uses the greatness that is Black Dynamite is ok in my book. I tip my digital hat to you, internet denizen.

I’m talking about the deal the Pre-Desantised board made to give all the board’s power to Disney until 21 years after the death of the last currently living descendant of King Charles III, based on really old Common Law statutes.

First rule of Congress: don’t fix an issue if you can run on it in the next election.

After careful consideration, I believe there is very likely a small possibility that these documented liars may be lying.

I frankly do not believe any of them are actually pro-life. I think many politicians are sociopaths and will say or do anything to keep themselves in power.  Does anyone really believe Donald Trump is against abortion? A man who’s probably paid for a fair number of them? Or Lindsey Graham? 


Jack Black getting an EGOT before Lin-Manuel Miranda would be pretty damn funny.

And it starts with the CEO and drips down to every manager, too. I was a retail store manager several years ago and when a nearby location’s manager quit, I was given the “opportunity” to manage two stores instead of one. Logically I thought this would mean a significant pay rise because I would be literally doing the

it’s one of those zeitgeist things man.  i’m a jack black fan and i like the mario games well enough, hell i even enjoy the occasional piece of novelty music, but i had to fake enjoy this one when my girl put it on all excited for me to hear.

Ran when parked.  

Also, the fact is that the thermal efficiency of a fossil-fuel power plant is much higher than the efficiency of an internal combustion engine.

If you were to charge an EV entirely off of a coal-fired power plant, it’s per-mile emissions would still be something like half that of a traditional ICE car.

Also, unlike what a certain long poster upthread indicates, the grid is moving toward being green too. It just takes awhile. So while things are moving toward a single-point pollution source, that single point is also slowly getting reduced.

If you switch perspective, all this stuff makes perfect sense. No healthcare? You’ll be in severe debt just to give birth. Abortion? No you’re forced to give birth and go into debt to raise your child. Education? Your kid will go into severe debt for it. Paid a decent wage for your job? No minimum wage, you’ll take

Schrodinger’s Dickhead: Someone who is either joking or not joking depending on how upset the audience becomes.

They just keep digging. They’re 100 feet down in the hole, and they’re still digging. Fine. All we have to do is keep tossing ‘em more spades.

I was sitting in my office, listening to Janet Yellen