I immediately fixed my posture after seeing that header image
I immediately fixed my posture after seeing that header image
Yeah it’s usually “big guy, big strong guy, ex-Marine, real big strong guy, and he had tears streaming down his, he was a big guy, very strong, he was crying when he said...”.
Hey now she was very professional about being hot!
Does Tucker and Donald use the same at home tan spray kit now...together?
he elaborated that for him, the “real N-word” is “nuclear energy;”
This is a common go-to story for Trump: some big, burly and normally unflappable figure is humbled to tears by the mere presence of Trump. It’s such a frequent refrain I can’t believe he’s still falling back on it. Football players, soldiers, farmers, they all become sobbing goobers at the sight of Trump. In his mind…
Trump used the interview to humiliate Carlson by letting him get at most three sentences in the whole time and went on whimsical tangents
The cut to Lil’ Tuck in the clip where the dipshit is describing Xi’s hot interpreter reminds of an SNL skit where the other actors are really trying hard to not break character and bust out laughing. I hate Carlson and his overly expressive fake outrage, but something about that moment looked like Tucker was…
Or when the female interpreter is hot.
lol “foreign policy”. Okay. The closest Trump comes to talking about foreign policy is when his grievance du jour involves some foreign leader.
“I’ll tell you, people were crying. People that worked there professionally that have no problems putting in murderers, they were crying. They were actually crying. They said, ‘I’m sorry,’” Trump said. He concluded, “In one sense, it was beautiful.”
Thanks for the summary. No way I’m watching a whole hour of that nonsense.
I love the idea of this as a roadshow.
I have a hard time believing that Murdoch has never paid for an abortion.
She’s going to finally take the test she’s been studying for
Everyone thinks “I want to retire when I can still do so in a dignified manner”. Problem is the older you get and the more powerful you are the less likely you are to realize when that time has come or have people around you who are willing to tell you harsh truths.
It’s like the RBG situation all over again. Except I’m not giving Feinstein the benefit of the doubt that her motivation is altruistic.
She should’ve retired years ago. I truly don’t understand the mindset of people who continue to vote for her.
Democratic legislators need to realize there is no room for niceties any more.
If people didn’t learn from RBG, then we’re fucked.
Rumor has it that her lawyers renegotiated the pre-nup for her consent to move to DC in 2017. I’m guessing he’s not willing to “make a deal” this time.