You have a 62 Impala convertible with a lot of investments in hydraulics and customization, and you leave it on the street overnight, and it gets stolen, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit partner, that’s all in the game.
You have a 62 Impala convertible with a lot of investments in hydraulics and customization, and you leave it on the street overnight, and it gets stolen, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit partner, that’s all in the game.
4runner would be my go to if that was the goal.
Fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck Peter Thiel into the goddamn sun.
Pajiba, Lainey, and the Mary Sue are all good.
That sucks. I’ve been commenting here for over a decade. It seems to be a sign of the times with various blogs though.
I’ll miss Jezebel. I’ve been on it since 2009.
Horrifying. Simply horrifying.
It was a good run. This sucks.
And I literally just got ungreyed here like a week ago. Damn.
Wow. That just hit me like a punch in the throat. Devastated for the staff, their families, and these who genuinely engaged with the site over the years. I’ve been commenting for about ten years now. Jezebel has been part of my daily online life for a decade. Ugh.
Came here after hearing about the shut down. Thanks for being one of my favorite sites for almost 10 years. Y’all deserved so much better
Well shit.
The actors strike ends (pending a vote) and Jez gets shut down for good. Thanks for the memories Jez.
I’m not sure if we should give him more chances to commit elder abuse. Something tells me 5 years in prison isn’t going to make him a softer, kinder person.
That said, I’d be pretty O.K. if he never got his driver’s license back. Yeah, he can and probably would still drive without it, but it will ramp up the penalties…
I made it through about 5 minutes of the debate before turning it off in disgust. Their solution to every problem is to assume a dystopia where they are the ruling class, assume that is what everyone wants, and then assume that it is magically going to happen. They have nothing to offer. And making the whole situation…
Take your star, you pervert.
I’m constantly amazed by that quote and his subsequent actions He saw the train coming down the tracks and intentionally walked in front of it. And doesn’t seem to regret a second of getting splattered all over the road.
Ohio here. Super happy with how #1 and #2 turned out. Incumbents won on the school board, which means we’re still stuck with one cunt from Moms For Liberty. I’m surprised the new school levy didn’t pass, but they were also super sketch about how they came up with the number outside of “roofs” so I guess it makes sense.
The last thing the GOP ever needed was the end of Roe.