So, it should tell you something about the state of the Democratic Party that this man is presently polling ahead of President Biden in key swing states.
So, it should tell you something about the state of the Democratic Party that this man is presently polling ahead of President Biden in key swing states.
Can we make it airtight?
Thank you. Came here to say something similar. Why is Kylie taking this at face value & concluding the guy is broke when he’s JUST the type of wingnut to keep all his money in cash/gold bullion/crypto/offshore accounts instead of trusting the “corrupt” banking system/swamp.
Yes, he’s existing in 2023 without a checking or savings account. <massive eyeroll>
Watch how quickly and inexplicably that changes!
It is all in his church. Sorry...”church.”
According to the bombshell report, Johnson “has never reported a checking or savings account in his name, nor in the name of his wife or any of his children,” and nor does he disclose any assets or stocks.
This. I am much more confident that Johnson is blatantly not disclosing his holdings for reasons that make sense only to him, rather than that he has no money.
Makes the fact that his first big act is to push for defunding the IRS that much more understandable.
So he’s laundering money.
There already is one. And the LVCC has a stop. People were pissed when it was first built that it didn’t go to the airport. That was done to appease the cab companies. It was stupid that it didn’t go to the airport then and is still stupid now since it is only on the east side of The Strip. And somehow it is still…
Never really noticed how weirdly DeShitheel walks ... but once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
“If you can’t win, cheat. If you can’t cheat, lie. If you can’t lie, scream at the other person until they relent.” -GOP since 2000
hate mongers like AOC and the Squad.
A friend once said (paraphrased), “the South is anywhere 15 miles outside of a metro area.” This has consistently been true in my experience.
Mark is just a “mark”.
He is a meat popsicle.
The first guy trying to use his special needs child as an excuse for him being a complete fuckhead is wild.
The bundy family nonsense with the not paying grazing fees or taking over an out of season nature refuge, then threatening violence when being told that’s against the law is steeped in sovcit logic. Yes most of the youtube jagoffs are harmless idiots but there absolutely is a dangerous, “local militia” adjacent…