
He needs the library... not as a place to store records or Melanoma’s dresses, but as a burial location.

Well, at least he hasn’t yet tinfoiled the windows, gone without bathing, rolling around the residence in his underwear and storing his urine in jars ...

Buick For The Win!

“Chill,” “Wanderlust,” and “Vibe,”

Looks like Grassley has the ‘rona. Can’t say I’m not surprised or unhappy to get the news.

Rode in a jeep once that had the sheepskin ones - very fluffy, very pleasant.

I think you’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. I may very well be underestimating it, for that matter.

I’m around the same age as your colleague and I agree with him. That’s why I’m taking very serious steps to leave the country and never come back... not only because of the harm done to the government, but the harm done to the nation and the people.

Well, yes, insofar as the executive orders go, those can be over-ridden and corrected, but those orders affect the administrative state and that takes a long time to turn. One of the reasons that so much of what Obama accomplished was easy to wipe away is because he had to do so much by executive order — he didn’t


The most interesting thing about this is that the investigations may start and pick up steam in the opening months of next year... though I think it will probably result in something soft like “censure” and a loss of his chairmanship.

Rest quietly dear, I’ll have Clarence bring the salts anon.

Okay, as a Buick guy, I still can’t get over this one. Sadly, the day of the full size Buick sedan are over, but this haunts my dreams:

Oh, this is just the China stuff, I guess. He’ll find a hatful of other disruptive crap to do, too, but make no mistake: the damage already done by The Orange One will take thirty years to clean up, if it ever can be cleaned up.

This is a fascinating question, and I have some answers!

Uh, I pay taxes (it’s a privilege in my mind). So, I think I already have this covered.

I know that secession is a big thing for them, with all the “TX flag above Ol’ Glory” stuff and all that, but howsabout we just kick ‘em out? — build a nice big beautiful wall around ‘em? We could find the children of Texans and hole ‘em up in every Motel 6 in Oklahoma that’s within 50 miles of the border or

I love these things.

I don’t think I’m going to log in until this weekend.

You know, I’m less worried about the lawsuits and more worried about pressure on GOP-dominated state legislatures to appoint only electors that will vote for The Orange One. It could be that I’m just letting my imagination run wild, but it seems like the administration always exceeds the limits of my imagination.