
I seem really sexist when I say this to certain people.

Way to miss the FUCKING POINT.

In before it's removed! Sadly, it's an insightful expose that will fall on many deaf ears.

They aren't journalists, either. They are bloggers, an "occupation" that probably outnumbers PR handily.

"bragging about it on 4chan in conversations staffers here have followed" Your attention is flattery, FIDF

It's a problem for every site on the internet that allows comments or utilises message boards.

(This is probably buried by now but whatever) I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR THIS!! SO PROUD!

then quit your job. whine bag. you want your little clicks, you want to be relevant, youre upset the conversation turns from your little stories to the (hilarious) commenters additions to it. i hope they figure out who you are so they can fire you for too many latte breaks. just cuz you made a pretty cake youre oh

In refusing to address the problem, Gawker's leadership is prioritizing theoretical anonymous tipsters over a very real and immediate threat to the mental health of Jezebel's staff and readers.

*Sigh* The title says click-bait, but I bite every time anyway. I wouldn't last long as a fish.

Boo Hoo! Jezebel is a cesspool of social rot and perversion anyway, you just don't like the subject matter in this case. If you want to elevate the quality of material on Jezebel, start with the articles you post. Every blog here is nothing more than a hit piece, or some fruitcake on a soapbox trying to get people

Came in for the rape GIFS, leaving disappointed.

5/10, had me going.

>They do.

Well, you're commenting angrily at someone who's disagreeing with the often feminist-backed claim about wage discrimination, and throwing around the term "misogynist" like it's a magic wand that'll make people who disagree with you vanish. Can you see how you might be mistaken for a feminist?

It's a loaded question to ask whether studies about the wage gap took relevant factors that commonly affect wages into account?

You mean you don't want a polka dot laptop used solely for the purpose of buying polka dot shoes?