This click bait has to stop.
This click bait has to stop.
This is exactly how I feel lol. I'm an African ,heck ,to be more specific Nigerian. There was a time I used to bitch about video games not having enough Black dudes when it Finally hit me, all if not most of this devs are white males who grew up around other white people and therefore would obviously make games that…
Patricia, if you want there to be more female characters at E3 follow these instructions.
So much man-hate. What's wrong with white men? Why can't a white man be in a video game? I have no problem with games being made starring women. Why do you have such a problem with men in video games?
No offence, I'm no sexist, no really I'm not i was raised in a house of 4 women and me, but hey guess what they didn't want to make games with women as lead roles so you know, people are always welcome to go make their own games with women as lead roles, so how about less crying and more do it yourself attitude, i…
Que the social justice warriors. I'll continue to enjoy my games, you can just keep on bitching about stupid shit like this.
Yeah! I'm not buying another game until every title features a black female bodied transgender lesbian of Eskimo decent who was raised by two gay fathers as the protagonist.
This coming from the woman who couldn't finish building a PC herself, so she had to call a guy to come in and finish it for her.
Gay? Hell, a couple of them could've been black or Latin, too.
Fuck it, make all main characters female next year. At least, we will all be talking about fucking games during E3.
I feel like a fair ideal would be for the amount of female characters in games to be directly proportionate to the male-female ratio of console gamers. We can't count mobile because Candy Crush Saga blows up the whole thing. I feel like when looking at console gaming we're not too far off as it is. But then that's me,…
I know some women play the core titles but I would bet a million dollars that the large margin of "girl gamers" are playing candy crush and farmville type games. Go where the money is. These are companies. STOP IT!
Where are all the gay ex-muslims? I'm being horribly under represented, that must mean there's lots of homophobic anti-atheists in the gaming industry!
So where are all of the people bitching about the lack of gays in gaming? Is the gaming industry homophobic?
Exactly the type of article I expected from Patricia.
Men dominate gaming. It's not 50/50. The studies that claim it's 50/50 is utter BS. Mom's buying kids games skews that figure. This is a fact. Men are playing the big titles by a large margin. Men also dominate engineering and coding. They dominate management in corporations. Just stop this crap that women are under…
I dont mind games where a female is the mc, but people need to stop loosing their shit every time that there isnt one in a game.
wtf? is not like the developers got together and decide no girls in the game. is because this is what selling. is mostly women's fault for female games don't sell well like other games.
Patricia Hernandez at it again.