
I definitely agree with the journey > plot thing that you said with these series. Oda says One Piece is gonna end within the next 5 years so who knows when it’ll finally be done.

I guess when a series spans years like HxH or One Piece you appreciate the story in a different way than a more concise series like FMA. You focus more on the world and the large roster of characters and get excited for things like callbacks or minor moments of character growth. It’s like watching a drawn out marathon

I mean would it kill them to at least put it on Switch? It can’t be that hard to port them over and they’d sell well.

Woah it’s like Labo and Wairo Ware DIY had a baby. I might check this out.

I think you’re right but profit minded media conglomerates were never gonna mix well with gaming journalism, so in a way it is a good thing that the power/control of content is being given back to creators.

I get that but younger people seem to prefer watching stuff (or listening to a podcast)

I think you would really enjoy video essays on youtube then. I suggest Super Eyepatch Wolf if you’re interested.

Reforms are needed for sure but I think people have seen the mass firings at places like Game Informer and the success of gaming personalities. So instead of waiting around with meager pay and benefits they’ve decided to jump ship and take the chance.

I mean as these large groups continue to dissolve I think it’s inevitable that the spectrum of content creator POVs widens. So while many youtubers might annoy you, there’s gotta be at least a few that you might enjoy.

I think the age of these game industry groups is over. Freelance and the youtuber/twitch route has proved to be successful for many in the industry, and the idea of having a traditional publication with multiple reviewers seems archaic.

I mean I don’t want Sega to do this but at this point everyone is getting into it (freaking Annoying Orange is making them) and the only thing we can do is criticize them and ignore it.

I mean it’s a free game that already had things like Sprint locations as pokestops in the past. I really don’t see the issue.

It seems nice but I’m surprised they didn’t try making a sequel to Celeste first. It would be a guaranteed smash hit.

Fun fact: this isn’t Pepsi’s first foray into t.v. The Fox gameshow Cherries Wild is also a Pepsi show. I have no clue why they think network t.v is a good advertising medium but what do I know.

What’s the difference between orange and blood orange?

Teens shouldn’t have parental controls on YouTube. By age 13 if they can’t be trusted to watch appropriate content then you’ve failed as a parent and trying to exert control over them isn’t gonna help. YouTube doesn’t even allow much rated R content at all.

I mean after 9 why stop? If you get to the upper teens you could even get a TLC show

I know it’s hard to make topical things during a pandemic but geez salt bae? Are they gonna have the PPAP guy next?

The PS4 and Xbox remake of Pro Skater 1 and 2 from last year is a fun game that is on sale pretty often.

You gotta give those lawyers something to do