
You people are the fucking worst. I REALLY hope you get your wish and segregation becomes a thing again. You don’t want anyone else in your space, and everyone else sure the fuck doesn’t want YOU and your petty black tears in theirs. Absolutely pathetic, all of you whiny bitches.

Damn. Fucking sad. Imagine he’d still be here if he wasn’t doing criminal shit. That’s kind of where everyone needs to start when it comes to these police situations. Instead we gloss over the criminal activity that puts them there and go right to the egregious response to said crimes.

*Stephen Crockett has entered the chat*

How about putting the BEST MAN OR WOMAN for the job! Fuck diversity hires. Give us the best most capable person. Damn the race. And the fact that y’all don’t see it this way is the reason we are always FUCKED in this country when it comes to leadership. Idiots.

The blues singer never trademarked Lady A. She dropped that ball. She also is a relative nobody outside the Pacific Northwest so how the fuck are those bumpkins supposed to know who she is? And her record sales are a grain of sand in the music industry, she doesn’t even have a record label deal. The second everyone

You mean the felon with 16 prior felony convictions who got caught trying to set up an illegal voting ring while on probation? The idiots here will take your false narrative at face value because of laziness and wanting to actually believe the system hates all of you, but one quick look into the story tells exactly

I’m sure they celebrated with a meal intended for a family of 9.

Maybe throw some blame on his life choices leading ALL THOSE THUGS TO STAB HIM TO DEATH. When are y’all gonna take some personal responsibility for shit when it goes south on you?

Gunshot wound. Thrown from car. You literally said how she died in the article. This site has become trash. Where’s my money?

So you assume they’re white men, because you’re a racist. Jumping to race card conclusions is par for the course around here. Have the day you deserve.

Wow you’re a fucking racist. Not surprised, being here and all.

You mean like the daily Chicago style bloodbaths? That would have sucked! Thank god white folks actually have indoor training, ya know?

No you’re totally right. The damned white women always expecting you to act like you’ve had some indoor training. Bunch of assholes amiright?

Ah yes, that god damned whitey again, making you all act like obnoxious assholes with no indoor training. Totally whiteys fault.

Blocked account? You ever heard of a burner? You simple minded broad? And this isn’t China or North Korea, and you can’t segregate the folks you don’t agree with, (ironically enough the very thing ACTUAL black folks fought against). You’re not unapologetically black, you’re unapologetically stupid. Everything you post

The Medical Examiner announced Monday that her cause of death was acute intoxication due to the combined effects of fentanyl, promethazine, hydroxyzine, and alcohol. Her death has been ruled an accident.

Yes, leave us upstanding black Kings and Queens to bounce the same bigoted and clearly ignorant, whiny, hate filled, false narrative, blame shifting, no responsibility taking, black ass , closed minded, fascist, racist “we ain’t never did nothing wrong to nobody” views around our little pity party echo chamber.

Maybe look into the brother? Maybe he brought her the pills that she went into the bathroom to take after he left and then mixed with fucking tequila? Nah let’s always assume the WHITE GUY killed her because reasons. Y’all are a joke and until you stop being so fucking bigoted despite yourselves you’ll never be shit.

Maybe look into the brother? Maybe he brought her the pills that she went into the bathroom to take after he left and then mixed with fucking tequila? Nah let’s always assume the WHITE GUY killed her because reasons. Y’all are a joke and until you stop being so fucking bigoted despite yourselves you’ll never be shit.

Ah yes, leave the differing views out of sight. How very Republican of you. Fascism doesn’t look good on you sweetie, have a seat next to that other racist fascist Republican moron up there.